What Is On Your Heart? (5/13)

What is on your heart?

I’ll tell you what’s on mine

We’ve a country here that’s drowning –

Is it worse than Noah’s time?

I mean, the evidence is overwhelming

Why just look around

Can’t get away from what’s selling

In Immorality’s town.

What is on your heart?

Does it grieve you too?

To try and live an upright life

Only to again yield to excuse?

I mean, everyone else seems fine

Sitting pretty in their sin

What’s the harm in doing it too?

We just want to fit in.

What is on your heart?

Are you weary from trying to be good?

There is hope, you’re not alone

Grab hold of His Personhood.

I mean, He’s been in the world

He fought temptation

Before finally bearing all the sin

With its expansive disgraces.

What is on your heart?

I’ll tell you what’s on mine

We have to dig deep –

Not let the world define!

I mean, a war is waging

Whether or not we’re aware

It doesn’t stop happening

Just ‘cause we don’t care.

What is on your heart?

I’ll tell you what’s on mine

The future of our country –

Does it spin on a dime?

I mean, is it luck or chance

That determines where we’ll be

In ten years from now or

On the pages of Eternity?

What is on your heart?

I’ll tell you what’s on mine

We’ve got to seek Jesus

We’ve got to make time.

I mean, if we believe in Jesus

If we believe in prayer,

We must get serious

And finally seek Him there.


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